Maybe some of you feel too light and not strong enough due to your body weight. Gaining weight does not only mean gaining fats, but gain some muscles. Muscles make up most of the body weight anyway. Gaining too much fat just to be heavier/stronger isn't too good either. A little fat will do.
Gaining Weight
1. Eating Healthily
It's important to know that you must eat healthy as well. Eating more is good, but be sure to take in lots of protein and carbohydrates. Basically what we'll do is to increase your calory intake, by taking in protein and carbohydrates instead of unhealthy fatty foods. Eat more fish, tuna, chicken, vegetables and so on.
2. Exercise!
Since running and other aerobic exercise are more suitable to lose weight (burning calories and fats), it would be much better if you exercise by lifting weights and walking instead.
3. Dietary Supplements
You can take Multivitamins and other supplements if you're not getting enough nutrition your body needs. A healthy and balanced diet is crucial for a healthy body. A healthy body will not be too underweight.
1. Body Mass Index
Mass (kg) / (Height (m) x Height (m))
Calculate your BMI by dividing your mass with the square of your height.
Underweight = Less than 18.4
Normal = 18.5 to 24.9
Above Average = 25.0 to 29.9
Obese = 30.0 to 39.9
Very Obese = Greater than 40.0
If your BMI is Normal, then you're already alright! No need to gain or lose weight.
2. Calorie Calculator
This page provides a nutrition guide and a calorie counter so that you could calculate how much calorie you need to take to gain the weight you need.
If you're not overweight or underweight, there's no need to gain or lose weight. Don't overdo it!